About Us
Harnessing the power of Nature and Science

The Perfect Combination of Botanical Essence & Patented Science For Healthier and Thicker Hair

- Hair shedding back to normal in as little as 44 days2
- 96% assessed as clinically improved3
- Increases scalp collagen by 80% 1
- 53% increase in hair density 4
CG210 Case Studies


Efficacy and Safety of a Topical Botanical in Female Androgenic Alopecia. Result based on the use of CG210 alone.
Katoulis AC, et al. Skin Appendage Discord 2018;4:160-165


Efficacy and Safety of a Topical Botanical in Female Androgenic Alopecia. Result based on the use of CG210 alone.
Katoulis AC, et al. Skin Appendage Discord 2018;4:160-165